J.D., William Mitchell College of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota
Honors: magna cum laude
Honors: CALI Awards: Contracts, Business Organizations
Honors: Recent Supreme Court Decisions
Law Review: William Mitchell Law Review. 2001 -2003
M.A., Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, 1995
Major: Sociology
B.S., University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Honors: Dean's List
Major: Sociology
Adding a Bit More Bite: Suggestions for Improving Animal-Protection Laws in Minnesota, 34 W. Mitchell L. Rev 1405, 2008
Sin, Salvation, and the Law of Charities, 31 W. Mitchell L. Rev. 383, 2004
Divinest Sense or Starkest Madness: Defending Civil Liberties in a Post-September 11 World, 30 W. Mitchell L. Rev. 1589, 2004
The Taxman Cometh, 29 W. Mitchell L. Rev. 1537, 2003
Baby Steps: Minnesota Raises Certain Forms of Animal Cruelty to Felony Status, 28 W. Mitchell L. Rev. 1649, 200
The Movement and the Media: Framing the Debate over Animal Experimentation, 18 Political Comm. 67, 2001
Gender, Views of Nature, and Support for Animal Rights, 7 Soc. & Animals 179, 1999
Animal Law: Legislative and Judicial Update, Minnesota State Bar Association, 2005-2007
Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence: Links, Challenges, and Proposals, Minnesota State Bar Association, 2008
William Mitchell College of Law, Adjunct Professor, 2005-2010
Dorsey & Whitney LLP, Associate, 2005-2009
Minnesota Court of Appeals, Judicial Law Clerk, 2004-2005
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